The Essential Guide to Kilt Pins

The history and beginnings of the kilt pin
The kilt pin is a fairly new addition to the highland dress outfit. Many believe the use of Kilt pins arose in the Victorian era and actually attribute it to Queen Victoria herself! The myth goes that the Queen was inspecting soldiers at Balmoral castle however windy conditions was making this task more diffcult. The Queen pinned her brooch to a young soldiers kilt to hold down the apron and the kilt pin was born! From that day forth , by Royal decree, all military kilts incorporated a kilt pin.
Although kilt pins basic function is to weigh down the apron of the kilt and stop it from blowing up in a gale, they quickly became more decorative and became more ostentatious. They became a symbol of the wearers wealth and prosperity and were made in more and more valuable mentals such as pewter, silver and even gold! The designs became more extravangant from celtic symbols, animals such as stags and lions to clan crested varieties.
The standard claymore kilt pin
How should a kilt pin be worn?
A kilt pin is placed through the top layer of fabric on your kilt only- it should not be put through all the layers as this can cause damage to your kilt. Ideally it should be around 2 inches from the bottom of your kilt and around 1.5 inches from the apron. Many choose to have the kilt pin on a vertical line in their tartan as this can look neater. The kilt pin is normally worn on the right hand side of the kilt.
Selecting the right kilt pin
We stock a massive variety of kilt pins for all tastes. We have kilt pins in different finishes such as chrome, antique and jet black. We also stock kilt pins in a variety of design such as celtic, lion, thistle or the traditonal clan crested kilt pin. Our kilt pins are also made in a variety of different materials from the basic steel to pewter, silver, wood and even Stag horn.
Traditonal clan crested kilt pin
For a more simple, minimal style why not go for the tried and tested Claymore style . For a more modern and distinctive look you could try the lion rampant kilt pin .
Clan Crested kilt pins are always popular and are the perfect finish to a tailor made kilt in your families tartan.