Edinburgh - a haunted capital

What tourists and visitors are sometimes not aware of, is that this beautiful city with romantic views and green landscape is believed to be one of the UK's most haunted locations. Edinburgh has a grizzly history of battles, grave robbers, serial killers and executions, not to mention the true story of the infamous body snatchers Burke and Hare.
There are endless stories to be told about ghost infested places, weird phenomena and spooky paranormal activities that happen all over the Auld Reekie. However, Edinburgh's Old Town is by far the most haunted part of the city.
Edinburgh Castle is said to be most haunted place in all of Scotland. Inumerous paranormal occurrences have been reported, some visitors even claim to have seen a phantom piper, a headless drummer, spirits of former prisoners, even the ghost of a wandering dog...
There is a series of underground tunnels that connect the castle to the Royal Mile, possibly even to the Palace of Holyrood House. Several hundreds years ago, when the tunnels were first discovered, they sent a piper to explore and navigate this underground city. He played the bagpipe so that his progress could be tracked by those above, however, all of a sudden, the piping stopped. When they sent a rescue team to look for him, they found no trace, he had simply vanished. No clue of what happened to him was ever found... Except for his ghost who to this day still haunts these underground tunnels, and his music can sometimes be heard near the castle and on the streets above the tunnels. Needless to say, these dark and damp passageways are nowhere you would want to wander in by yoursel at night.
Other spooky places worth a visit if you’re looking to feel some chills down your spine are the Banshee Labyrinth, the White Hart Inn and Greyfriars Kirkyard.